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UBC parameter units

User Beancounters have default units which are used when viewing and setting the parameter values. When setting the values for some parameters, you are able to specify different units thereby avoiding the need to do manual conversion of units and making life a little easier!



Parameters which have the suffix "page" are measured in numbers of pages. These include:

When using vzctl to set these beancounter parameters, you can override the default units of "pages" by using a valid suffix.

Numbers of ItemsEdit


Other parameters are measured in bytes:

When using vzctl to set these beancounter parameters, you can override the default units of "bytes" by using a valid suffix.

Overriding Default UnitsEdit

When using vzctl to set beancounter parameters which use "Pages" or "Bytes" as the default units, alternative units may be specified using one of the following suffixes:

Suffix Alternative Suffix Units
g G gigabytes
m M megabytes
k K kilobytes
p P pages


The following are some examples to demonstrate the use of different units when specifying the value of a parameter. Where $CTID is the container ID.

  • Set kmemsize limit to 512 KB
# vzctl set $CTID --kmemsize 512k
  • Set privvmpages limit to 256 MB
# vzctl set $CTID --privvmpages 256m
  • Set tcprcvbuf limit to 1000 pages (totals to almost 4 MB on x86)
# vzctl set $CTID --tcprcvbuf 1000p